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Re: **New and Dangerous Computer Virus** (fwd)

I recieved a letter this morning with an attachment from PKWare and they 
have confirmed that the virus does actually exist.

On Tue, 2 Apr 1996, Juergen Bund wrote:

> At 00:21 01/04/1996 -0400, you wrote:
> Anybody can really *confirm* this story? To me, it seems more like a copy of
> the "Good Times" for the 1st of April (which we had yesterday ...).
> Juergen
> >I don't know if this is a load of crap or not so feel free to believe as 
> >much of it as you want.
> >
> >>***Do not download any file named PKZIP300.ZIP regardless of the extension.***
> >>
> >>WARNING!!!!! Read the following and take note for those of you whohave
> >>access to the web and FTP sites ... BE WARE!!! Notify your friends and
> >>family and total strangers too!!!  No one wants to deal with this
> >>what-so-ever.  
> >>
> >>A NEW Trojan Horse Virus has emerged on the internet with the name
> >>PKZIP300.ZIP, so named as to give the impression that this file is a new
> >>version of the PKZIP software used to "ZIP" (compress) files.
> >>
> >>DO NOT download this file under any circumstances!!!  If you install or
> >>expand this file, this virus will wipe your hard drive clean and effect
> >>modems 14.4 or higher.  This is an extremely destructive virus and as of yet
> >>there is no way of cleaning this one up.
> --
>  * Juergen Bund (bund@ccg.uc.pt) | CCG/ZGDV - Centro de Computacao Grafica *
>  * Tel. : ++351-39-702646        | Rua de Mocambique, 17  R/C Esq.         *
>  * Fax  : ++351-39-702647        | 3030 Coimbra, Portugal                  *
>  * http://www.ccg.uc.pt/~bund    | http://www.ccg.uc.pt                    *


	     T H E  M A N , T H E  M Y T H , T H E  L E G E N D . 
* Dylan "Still" Boudreau	* Knowledge is proud that she knows so much; *
* Internet: x93ojg@stfx.ca	* Wisdom is humble that she knows no more.   *
*       Homepage: http://juliet.stfx.ca/people/stu/x93ojg/welcome.htm       *  

		When someone says, "That's a good question." 
		 You can be sure it's a lot better than the 
		         answer you're going to get.

Follow-Ups: References: